Every people has its charms, that offer their owners financial well-being and prosperity. With this, the correct financial management of energy is a whole science.
The slavs, money amulet, which for centuries was considered an iron horse, the chinese - frog on three legs with the coins in his mouth. For the amulet had magical powers, it is important to do so with their own hands and charge of positive energy.
How to make an amulet for the money
Manufacture the amulet, money, coins, stones, wood, fabrics, essential oils, and other tools that are available. Consider, as do the various amulets to attract money with your own hands.
Amulet for money: "the Bag with the money"
For the production of the amulet is the need to prepare in advance: the coins of different value, eucalyptus oil, and fabric bag. Each coin must be lubricated with oil of eucalyptus and folded into a pouch, which is needed sew personally from any fabric. After this the bag with the money, tie a rope and hide it in a secret place. Periodically pull out your amulet and, not liberating, hold in the hand. The important thing is to think about their financial health and cash flows.
Amulet for money: "Not exchangeable"money
To transform the bill into the cashier's amulet, it is necessary to take found on the road to coin and put it in a department of a portfolio, or a portfolio. This magical ritual is necessary to perform only the growing Moon. Non-exchangeable currency will help you to increase your income, but also to attract into your life new cash flows.
Amulet hands: "Cash envelope on the financial well-being"
This amulet is a must to create only the crescent Moon on Thursday. For the manufacture and preparation: the fabric and the candle is green color, tablecloth, red color, a coin, a leaf of eucalyptus and oil of bergamot. At midnight on the table, spread a tablecloth of red and light a candle. On the table put the green fabric, and on it - the coin, greased with oil of bergamot and leaf of eucalyptus. Then repeat three times the magic words: "the Wealth I have, it will be as I wish." After this, fold the fabric on the green with a coin and a piece of eucalyptus in an envelope. This money amulet should always carry.
Amulet hands: "the Money is a box"
This amulet not only to attract money but also to increase their number in a couple of times. For the production of an amulet prepared in a wood box, without drawings and writings, amethyst, coins and banknotes, a couple of chinese coins with a ribbon of red color. In the crescent Moon bend in the cash box of the above elements and hide it from prying eyes. Once a month, to put a little of banknotes or coins in a box.
Amulet for money: "Fragrant mascot on wealth"
Magicians claim that certain scents can attract the money. For the production of aromatic mascot prepared fabric bag, a note for $ 50, three coins, a powder of basil and cinnamon, and two drops of the following essential oils: bergamot, sandalwood, patchouli, pine, eucalyptus, cinnamon, and nutmeg.
In a glass container mix all these essential oils. This manipulation is necessary to run in the crescent Moon on the sabbath day. Then in a container with a mixture of essential oils you need to put three coins, and leave them there for three days. After that the coins they need to get out and once you wrap them in cash, a 50-ruble bill. Then got reductions put in fabric bag and sprinkle the cinnamon powder and basil. Fragrant mascot is the need to always carry in your bag.
Amulet for money: "cuff-Magical amulet"

To make this amulet to buy new wires the following colours: red, green, and blue. These colors are chosen at random, as well as the color red help to increase the strength of the desire, the green is the symbol money, wellness, and blue color will assist the fulfillment of the promise of desire. Of these wires in the crescent weave ponytail and secure the ends between them, to create a bracelet.
In the weaving process it is important to focus on your desire, and also just think about the financial well-being. Bracelet-amulet with the need to wear the ankle of the left foot. After receiving a large sum of money or a successful transaction with bracelet-amulet should burn.
Amulet with their own hands, "Cash glomerulus"
This amulet will help you attract in your house money luck. For its production, take a coin and the yarn color is green. The rolling of the coin thread, to create a tangle. Fasten the ends of the wire and hang the cash amulet with the inner part of the door. Periodically, on the ball, you can dribble the essential oils, that attract money and financial well-being.
For the amulet on the money has improved your financial situation, it is necessary not only to do their own hands, but the right to load of positive energy. If you do not, the amulet will have no magical power, and will become a decoration.
How to recharge the energy amulet for the money
There are many ways the energy of the chest amulets. Consider the most common methods for more details.
- Charging an amulet with the energy of the elements: Earth, Water, Fire and Air.
For the amulet on the money received the force of the Water , a glass of composing the water from a natural source and lower your amulet. Then the glass with the amulet is placed for 3 days in a secluded place. After the completion of the ritual the water pour at the intersection.
For the position of the object the magical energy of the Fire , you must light a candle and bring the amulet three times through the flame.
If you want to load an amulet with the energy of the Earth , the excavations in a quiet area of the small hole, and placing his magic talisman. Then sprinkle a hole with an amulet to the ground and leave it there for three days.
To charge the amulet on the money , the energy of the Air , place it on the left palm and bring it to his lips. The owner of a magical item should not blow on the amulet.

- Charging the amulet on the money with the force of a thought. In a matter of few weeks often keep your amulet in your hand and imagine the desired amount of money.
- Charging the amulet the strength of the light of the moon. In the nights of the full moon or in the days of the crescent Moon put your amulet in the light of the moon. In this way, not only to charge a magical object of power, but to increase its power.
Keep the loads of cash the amulet in a secluded place or carry.
Do not allow other people to touch his magical lucky charms. Periodically the office of new energy and not to forget the amulet thank you for the support in matters of financial aid.